- Reality is created by observers, and we all have the same basic tools and programming system to interpret the reality we see
- We live in a ten-dimensional reality which we are able to influence, even though we are only consciously aware of four dimensions
- These ten dimensions include every possible reality at every point in time
- A cross-section through these ten dimensions could be expressed as a two-dimensional image
- By focussing on a two-dimensional cross-section and knowing exactly what ten-dimensional reality it represents, we can will it into our own subjective existence
- As other people have the same tools for interpreting and displaying reality, it is possible for them to help will a given reality into existence without being consciously aware of it
I'm now going to give some real-world examples of sigils and show how they are used to influence reality. There are many sigils that have been used in magical ceremonies for thousands of years, the Eye of Horus is a very famous one that dates back to Ancient Egyptian times.
This symbol at its most basic meaning is intended to ward off evil, it can be thought of as protection from the "evil eye". It has more in-depth meanings, but the sigil-user can choose which of these meanings are most important to what they are trying to achieve and focus their intention accordingly.
There many other symbols all around us that have powerful meanings and a lot of influence.
But how can a symbol have power? Surely all religious icons and magical symbols are nothing more than the crutches of the superstitious?
Well, yes and no. As previously explained, reality is created in the mind of the observer. All observers together form a kind of 'collective' consciousness, where certain things are accepted as fact by all observers, and therefore with the best will in the world are fixed and concrete. There are six billion other people on this planet, and if your reality contradicted all of theirs, yours would assimilate straight back under the sheer weight of opposing belief. For example, trying to reverse the effects of gravity is pretty unlikely to succeed.
However if you can focus your belief on an outcome that does not contradict anybody else's reality, it is far easier to force it through. You can also harness extra willpower, like Berlusconi does with his biscione serpent.
Normally when a person has a want or a desire, it is clouded by other conflicting ideas (for example on one hand you want a new job, but on the other hand the prospect of the unknown is offputting). Sigils can help you remove this self-doubt.
It's not the sigil itself that has the power. Or more accurately, the sigil has no inherent power until the sigil-user believes it has power. The sigil is just a tool to focus the intention of the sigil-user, and its power comes from its ability to concentrate the mind of the user and also its ability to subconsciously affect the wider population who are aware at some deep unconscious level what it means.
So if a sigil can be used to represent willpower, how do you transfer your desire to the image?
There are several ways to do this, and they all involve putting your mind into a state that is known in some circles as "gnosis". There are typically three things that are used, and some combination of these will be used to achieve gnosis:
- Meditation
- Ritual
- Hallucinogenic drugs
Meditation and hallucinogens have both famously been said to have the ability to put a person at one with the world - the person feels as if they are literally one with the universe. There is some explanation for this both in the tenth dimension of quantum physics, and also in the phenomenon of the Third Man Factor, which may be linked to unusual activity in the parietal lobe.
Ritual is a bit like sigils; it has no inherent power but it helps focus belief. Chanting is especially powerful, it has been used in human ritual since prehistory and can induce a trance state. Drums and fire are also powerful tools in this sort of ritual.
Once the person has attained the state of gnosis, their mind can reach out across dimensions and influence things which are physically far away, but from a tenth dimensional view are part of the same whole. In this state is is possible to mentally construct the desired outcome and superimpose that onto the sigil. By attaching the desired outcome to the sigil, the desire is not lost to confusion when the state of gnosis is left.
The single most important thing is belief. If something is believed strongly enough, reality will arrange itself in that direction.
All you've got so far is my word for it. I'm going to give you more evidence supporting that these things work. So what about Berlusconi? Perhaps Berlusconi is just a fluke? After all, it's easily explainable that he just likes the serpent image and decided to decorate his house with it.
A word of caution before I continue: it's very important not to overestimate the importance of coincidences. As a species we're hard-wired to spot patterns, and we frequently spot patterns where none exist. From an evolutionary point of view this makes perfect sense: better to think you've spotted a tiger when you haven't than miss one that's about to eat you. I hope to show you that there are examples of this sort of thing that go far beyond paranoia and simple coincidence; the weight of the combined evidence is so strong that it appears to point in one specific direction.
Read any conspiracy website and you'll spot leaps of imagination that require finding patterns where there are none. I'm not saying that there aren't conspiracies, but what I am saying is that a couple of coincidences are sometimes just that. To show that the example of Berlusconi isn't just a coincidence, I'm going to give some examples of other powerful people who use symbolism, and try to explain what it means.
There are several powerful organisations which practise sigil-use and other related forms (for example a statue of a god may be used to help focus intent; technically this would be an called an idol but I'll put everything under the blanket term "sigil" to try to avoid confusion).
There is a documented society known by various names that includes numerous US presidents, heads of industry and other extremely powerful and influential people. Once a year, they meet at a private redwood forest in California called Bohemian Grove. It is accepted that private dealings concerned with high-level matters of policy and planning are discussed here.
This is the logo of the Bohemian Club:
And this is a picture of one of the outer walls of the Bohemian Grove:
So what does this owl represent? It represents Moloch, an ancient Semitic god associated with pre-Biblical civilisations and human sacrifice. You'll notice that the Wikipedia article makes no reference to Moloch being an owl, in fact it describes him as being more like a bull or a minotaur.
This article explains that Moloch is usually depicted as a bull when male, and as an owl when female. The significance of the male or female version is open to interpretation.
Again we're back to the logical contradiction that gods don't exist, certainly not those belonging to ancient and comparatively backward civilisations. The answer to this is that reality is subjective; the fact that you or I don't believe in a destroyer god who feeds off sacrifice is not important, if a sufficient number of people backed up by ritual have a strong belief in Moloch's power, than that power is as real as anything.
For example:
Here's another video showing George W Bush, John Kerry and 20+ year White House adviser David Gergen admitting their involvement in the Bohemian Grove and the Cremation of Care ceremony.
In case you didn't watch those videos, here are some still images of the Cremation of Care ritual at Bohemian Grove:
This shows a number of people in robes behaving very much like you'd expect an Indiana Jones-style death cult to behave, chanting and performing a mock sacrifice in front of an enormous stone owl. Like I say, I don't want to go too far down the road of the tinfoil-hat brigade, but if you've got a better explanation for what this means I'd love to hear it.
Just to give one example of how Moloch pops up everywhere, here's a photo of a new cinema in Cardiff that looks suspiciously like an owl:
And directly in its "line-of-sight" is the local freemasons lodge:
Here's a link to Google maps so you can check it yourself.
The masons have long been linked to occult ceremonies and many of the Bohemian Grove members have also been linked to the masons. Could this be a coincidence? Of course. But when you consider that cinemas are buildings designed to evoke strong emotional responses in people (much like Alfa Romeo and the serpent), and that this 12-screen multiplex looks incredibly similar to the depictions of Moloch above, and it's pointed straight at the local headquarters of a known occult organisation, it seems that there might be more to it.
Another famous symbol linked to the Bohemian Grove, and derived from the Eye of Horus, is the All-Seeing Eye, also known as the Eye of Providence:
This has links again to freemasonry, and is said to have all sorts of symbolic meanings. I've picked one specific link pretty much at random to give an overview, but there's much, much more out there if you are interested and have access to one of these new-fangled Googles.
The image above is taken from the US one dollar bill, and the Latin phrase underneath translates as "New Order of the Ages", suspiciously close to the idea of a New World Order.
This image was also used in as the logo for DARPA, the US advanced weapons program, but was changed after a public outcry.
The all-seeing eye enveloping the world in its gaze? Like Berlusconi's serpent, this seems to show an expression of serious power.
Also on the one-dollar bill is a small, hidden image that will look quite familiar to you at this point:
Call me crazy, but that looks rather like a cheeky little owl peering out us. Bear in mind that the design of banknotes has to be incredibly carefully controlled to guard against forgery, and you reach the conclusion that somebody put that little owl there completely intentionally. Why is it there?
There are many other symbols in use today that are used in ways that go far beyond coincidence, and the thread that links them all is that they are used by people who are extremely powerful in one field or another, be it politics, media, finance or otherwise. I don't want to labour the point too much so I'll save them for another post, and I'll also expand upon the idea of hypnotic chanting at a later stage, and show how this is used in the modern pop music industry to help achieve certain goals.
To finish, I'm going to share with you a video of Grant Morrison talking about sigils. Grant Morrison is a comic book author with a huge amount of knowledge on sigils and related topics. The video is 45 minutes long, but I strongly recommend you watch it and guarantee you'll enjoy it.
Still to come:
Turtles all the way down - why science will never find an underlying deep reality
The implications of infinite potential if time's direction isn't fixed
How scientists have created reality by the act of studying it
All blog contents are copyright © 2011 ApostleWagon, nothing contained here may be reproduced without permission except for standard fair usage
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